

> We are now a little over 130 days into Methadont and still doing the damn thing. The initial idea and subsequent gravitation towards fruition of this idea was to really just see if we could do it for a whole year and then to pat ourselves on the back. It appears that some folks dig the whole thing though as Jesse just got an email from some dude at Adbusters magazine who said they like one of our pieces and requested to use it for the print edition of the Nov/Dec Adbusters. We were like..... yeah! Here's the one that they are using.
> I'm super late on this but I wanna mention The Throw Up 5 zine that also featured a few Methadont pieces as well as art from friends Justin Sehorn, Jesse Draxler, Mark Vomit-who makes it all happen, and others. You can buy the mag online here. The release party at Big V's was a good time and at the end of the night we hung a bunch of discounted Pop Vomit t-shirts on the building next door, which had been set on fire the night prior to the Throw Up show. Blurry cell phone pic take 1.

1 comment:

Jesse Draxler said...

loose lips version 2.0